
We’ll need a few details about your order to get started.

    1. Fill in the required fields after entering your order details.
    2. Once the return/exchange request has been submitted, a pickup will be scheduled for your item(s). Our courier partner will collect your order within 1 to 5 days. All products must be returned unused and all tags and labels should be attached.
    3. Once collected, it will arrive at our warehouse for a quality check.
    4. In the case of exchanges, the new item(s) will be shipped out within 2-3 working days after the quality check is approved.
    5. In the case of returns, the order amount will be refunded and will reflect in your account within 10 to 14 business days after the quality check is approved. Please note a shipping cost of Rs. 100/- will be deducted from the order amount for any returns.